Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Privacy of Information

Privacy of information means that it is important information and you do not want everyone to see what you have done. On Facebook you are able to hide your comments so no one else is able to have see to that comments. This means that none of your friends are able to see like your profile

It also means that you can hide very personal information from employers or even friends as it could be very sensitive information and you do not want friends to know about.


Plagiarism is when you use someone else ideas or phases and use them and put them in to your own words and then put them into your work which would be a serious offence. This could be phases that people have said or have been written down in which case it can range from whole books, paragraphs or even sentences.

The work could come from lab results, art work, statistics etc and all of this is plagiarism and a serious offence. If you do use someones else work you should always put a reference to where that piece of work came from so that you cannot be prosecuted for it.



Copyright is a Act which was put in place in the year 1988. Copyrights protects the original work of authorship. When the copyright was put into place it meant people are not allowed to copy anything which has the copyright logo on it as it could mean you can get prosecuted for it. You can use people work if you put a reference to it or get permission to use it. Sometimes people infringe copyright by reproducing and distributing music or even books without asking permission to use it first. The law governing copyright in the UK is Copyright, Design and Patents Act (CDPA)  

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Ownership is where you are the original owner of a piece of work and anyone who wants access to that piece of work has to ask you, the owner to be aloud to have access to that work. If someone does copy without permission you can take them to court and they have to pay a fine for violating the law.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

I.T effects on sustainability

There are issues that we as humans are using too much energy and what we use for energy is starting to run out. Geologists are now starting to look at other ways of getting energy, people are starting to use wind power as an alternative power source.

Pollution is not helping the planet it is causing global warming. The weather is getting warmer and making the ice and snow melt, making the sea rise.

Resources such as coal, oil and uranium are running short so taking the price of electricity up. There are other power sources such as hydro power which uses water or wind power created by wind turbines on wind farms.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The effects I.T had on the economy

I.C.T has taken over jobs in the manufacturing industry and many people have been made redundant.  However new jobs which look after the high-tech machines which now do the jobs of the normal workers have been created.

For transport I.C.T has now been put into cars and lorries which now have sat nav installed into the vehicle so helping the driver.

Using a video conference would save a company a lot of money as it could be cheaper to talk in a video chat than sending an employee on a aeroplane to another country.

There's an increase in productivity as a machine can do things faster than a human being so are able to make more products than an human in a short space of time.

The minerals which are used for making mobile phones is starting to run out so people are having to look for other minerals. this is making the price for titanium higher so making it more expensive for companies to get their hands on it.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

effects of I.C.T in the local communities

The effects of I.C.T in the local communities has been able to get rid of barriers, like time, space and distance so they are able to talk to people in the outside world.

Local shops are struggling because of I.C.T. More people are getting stuff from the internet and not going to the shops to buy groceries except for when they have to do a big shop for the whole family.

With banking, people are able to check how much money they have in their bank account due to I.T and are able to see if the money for a purchase has gone through.

Communities are able to talk to the outside world through the power of the internet, Facebook and twitter. people can be more social able now more than they were+ 100 years ago.

 I.C.T is keeping people safe on the roads and in towns via CCTV cameras which keep track of things that happen every where.

People have to keep moving houses just to have a job as their previous employment has made them redundant. This is because computers are able to do a job more productively than a human. 

Families are now buying more gadgets for their kids and so it is costing the parents a lot of money such as iPhone 5, Xbox and apple macs so it is putting pressure on parents.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Specialist communication channels

Hi my name is Gary and I am doing this blog to help you people with your computer problems. I will also be putting up advice about computers and other contributions that ICT has made to the whole world, and how it has us all  connected together via the internet.

I will be making sure that you know what IT has done for all of us in the world as everybody has at least one piece of technology in their house.