Thursday 14 November 2013

where can your blog be accessed from?

Your blog can accessed from Google search or it can be accessed from people using the search bar at the top of the screen. these are the main ways in which people can have access to your blog account but sometimes people may only be aloud to access your account

Thursday 2 May 2013

who can access your post?

Anyone can really access your post but sometimes only certain people with a password can have access to certain parts of your blog which other people do not have access to as you may have restricted to so only people who know the password can have access to that part of your blog.

Most of the time anyone can have access to your blog and can see everything that you put up on your blog. But sometimes they are those post which are unable to be seen by the public but by work collages or friends/family.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Comments Section

The comment section is there for people to leave to leave comments on a piece of work so they can say on how your to improve something such as a website or your you tube account this can also mean you can talk to your fans or people who watch your videos and it can mean that you do not have to suffer by your self as people will give a bit of guidance on how to do a certain thing.

You can also use the comments section to give praise on a video or a post someone has done then say if it can be improved or if it can be reduced to look or sound better. 

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Why you should save your work?

You always save your work as it means that you do not have to waste time redoing all of the work that you have done before.

 You also save your work as if the power went you would lose all of your work and have to restart it all over again as you forgot to save your work.

unequal access

Unequal access is where a someone can only see so much for example a pupil can only see his or her own file where as a teacher will be able to see their own files and the pupils files as they have access to all the drives just encase they have to fix something which has gone wrong with a file.

The administrator has access to all files as they can be allowed to see anything and have access to a lot more files than other people are allowed. They may be able to access a drive and add, edit and delete files when necessary.